Sunday, September 05, 2004

Blogging, The World, and the Guy Writing this [IDD 250]

If you were to ask me what a 'Blog' was a couple of weeks ago my response to you would have been, "I dunno, another internet thing with a cult-like following." It was clearly something I didn't know about or follow in any detail.

Now if you ask me what a Blog is, I could tell you several things about what it is. Since I'm new to blogging, I'll take a stab at where I think the word was derived from. To sounds like "Web Log" and people being the way they are, shortened it just like everything else. Either that or someone misunderstood what someone was saying and thought they said 'blog.' In short, a blog appears to be an online log (of any kind). Blogs usually also have software available to the authors that make it easier to make a log. This way the average computer user can easily use and maintain their own blog without the hassle of learning a lot of HTML and/or programming.

I would go as far to call a blog a message board, a forum, a journal, a diary, or a news page. Essentially, a blog is just another way to publish thoughts, announcements, information, or just about anything else that can be communicated. My local news web site I would consider a blog, just with the Comments feature turned off. I'm sure some of you would say, "No...thats not a blog" but why not? The only argument against it that I can see would be that it doesn't give information out on a more personal level. After reading a few blogs I noticed that authors often write at a more personal level than your average newspaper.

I think the term 'blog' has developed into more of a specific term. We can all look at a site and recognize that it is a site that has been blogged. Right now, they all have a general look and feel about them. We can also look at another website and clearly identify that it is a forum. However you look at it, blogs, forums, news pages, etc, are all places that we read, gain knowledge, and discuss topics at or about. Just another form of online logging of information...or should I say style? Or form?

Edit: With all that said...This 'Blog' should probably be called, "Gol Bew -- (Interactive Digital Design Web Log)," right?


Blogger Unknown said...

Good first post! Keep up the good work!

6:39 PM  

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