Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My Attempt at Sketching/Drawing [IDD 301]

It was recommended that we have the ability draw (or be able to 'wing-it') for the animation class. It had been a long, long time since I had actually just taken the time to sit down and draw something. The last sketchbook I used was in elementary school. That's if you don't count every single notebook for each one of my classes throughout high school. So I said to myself, "I'm going to sit down and draw whatever is closest." It just happened to be a teddy bear I had given my girlfriend for Valentine's Day. This wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but its good to draw things you might not necessarily obsess about. This was drawn on a piece of computer paper with a .7mm Bic mechanical pencil. If you ask why the bear's foot is cut off, that's because I ran out of paper! If you want to see what the teddy bear really looks like, you can click here and see a photo of it.

Attempted Sketch to see if I can really draw. Posted by Hello


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