Thursday, February 01, 2007

IDD 480 - Final Round

Welcome back into the spring 2007 semester, the final semester and edition of Golb Bew. IDD 480 is my Senior Seminar and Portfolio class where we will be worked for every ounce of creative juice that we have. On top of all of our creative juice being squeezed out of us, we will need to then organize it into a nice neat resume, portfolio, letterhead, business card, etc., and etc.

This weeks weekly reading opened my eyes and told me just about everything that I needed to do/be that I am not already. In fact, it raised my stress level just a couple notches. The books that I'm reading for the next few weeks are:

Designing a Digital Portfolio (Voices That Matter), by Cynthia L. Baron,

How To Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul, by Adrian Shaughnessy, Stefan Sagmeister

Some of the things I learned in Shaughnessy's book were very interesting. Some of them might be common sense though, such as when showing the interviewer your portfolio, make sure that they are the ones looking at it. Often times graphic designers fail to turn the portfolio to make it easy to view for their interviewer. Another thing that I didn't think of that is more specific to the area that I'm going to go in to, is in addition to having a DVD with a demo reel of my work, is to include stills from different frames of the project on paper so that it makes it easier for them to view. Not all interviewers have time to watch DVDs and demo reels right away.

There were tons of useful bits of information in this book just in the first few chapters as far as how to go about all the important little things that get over looked. From how the letterhead should be simple and not vary too much with font. To requesting interviews at design studios instead of a job.

Baron's book discussed the different types of portfolios based on the different professions that require portfolios. For motion graphics, a "formal" portfolio may still be a videotape/DVD (aka. demo reel). Although a digital portfolio (website) is growing increasingly fast as another type of portfolio since some work is being designed explicitly for the Internet. Baron's book is going to go more in depth to each of the different purposes of a portfolio. Whether it is to get a full-time job, to gain clients, etc.

This semester has got a lot in store for us and we have a lot of work ahead of us. Here's to making it through the semester and getting a job in one piece!



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